
Information for Authors: The Book of Abstracts of the Congress will be published before the Congress starts working and it will contain information about each report registered on the website of the Congress. The abstract should not exceed one A4 page. The materials will be published in the Book of Abstracts of the Congress in author‘s proof corrections after the peer-reviewing process, so try to follow the template while preparation of the material. You can find the guidelines here: Abstract Guideline

On the base of materials of the Congress the collections of post-conference publications will be issued. Post-conference publications will be available in three: «Book Series: 20th International Symposium on High-Current Electronics» (by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library on the base of ISHCE materials), «Izvestiya vuzov. Fizika» (Russian Science Citation Index) and «Journal of Physics, Conference Series» (Web of science).  Materials for post-conference publications will be peer-reviewed.

For any congress paper only one of the publication methods listed below is acceptable. Your manuscripts are accepted via your personal area at the congress website


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Book Series: 20th International Symposium on High-Current Electronics (ISHCE)

Supplement to Russian Physics Journal (Izvestia Vyshich Uchebnych Zavedeniy. Fizika)